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Annual temperatures are approximately accurate to +/- 0.05°C for the period since 1951. They were about four times as uncertain during the 1850s when instrumental measurements began, with the accuracy improving gradually between 1860 and 1950, except for temporary deteriorations during data-sparse, wartime intervals. Global averages are now given to a precision of three decimal places.

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Over the past two decades, three independent groups have used varying statistical methods and yet arrived at nearly identical conclusion that the planet's surface, on average, has warmed about 0.75 degree since the beginning of the twentieth century. This should be conclusive evidence that their measurements are accurate, but Richard Muller, a Physics Professor and longtime critic of climate studies, believed otherwise. In particular, he believed that insufficient correction had been allowed for those measuring devices that were originally located in rural areas but were now surrounded by suburbs, since urbanisation tends to result in local temperature rises.

Professor Muller launched the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project at the University of California, Berkeley, to address what he called "the legitimate concerns" of sceptics who believe global warming is exaggerated. But Professor Muller unexpectedly told a congressional hearing that the work of the three principal groups that have analysed the temperature trends underlying climate science is "excellent ... We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups." Professor Muller acknowledged that previous studies accounted for the urban effect. "Did such poor station quality exaggerate the estimates of global warming?" he asked in his written testimony. "We've studied this issue, and our preliminary answer is no."

The work of climate scientists has passed the most rigorous examination, with a finding that it is excellent work and that due allowance has been made for likely variables.

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What is a more accurate term for global warming?

The rise in temperature all over the world. This is not more accurate. It is the same way of saying it. Global warming causes climate change, but is not the same as climate change.

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Global warming is the cause of climate change.Climate change is the result of global warming.

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Global warming and global climate change happen all over the world. That is the meaning of global.

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"Climate Change" and "Global Warming" are not the same, though related. Global Warming causes Climate Change. With Global Warming we understand the warming of the earth's global temperature. That warming has in turn an effect on the earth's global climate and on more localized climates (like the climate of England or Western US).

Is climate change a rise in the temperature of the earth?

No, global warming is a rise in the temperature of the earth. Global warming is causing climate change.

Why is it not always accurate to refer to climate change as global warming?

Global warming is the average temperature of the earth rising, and global warming is causing climate change. Climate change can refer to many things like sea levels rising, more and more extreme weather events, droughts as well as floods, oceans turning more acidic, Pacific nations disappearing and many other possible outcomes.

Why do some people want to call global warming climate change?

Climate change sounds a bit more benign than global warming. However, the two things are not the same. Climate change is actually the result of global warming.

What is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as global warming?

The answer you are looking for is climate change.However, the question is incorrect. Global warming is not the same as climate change. Global warming is the warming of the earth. Climate change is the result of this warming.

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Global warming is causing climate change.

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Strictly speaking there is no other name for global warming."The whole earth heating up" might be another name.Global warming is causing climate change, so many people think they are both the same, so they say:"Climate change is another name for global warming", but they are not really the same.

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Any increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to global climate change.

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Global warming and climate change are happening to everyone. As the price of carbon becomes more obvious there will be nobody rich enough to escape climate change.