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Q: Are groundhogs vegetarians or meat eaters?
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What will groundhogs not eat?

Meat. They are strict vegetarians.

How are meat eaters and vegetarians alike?

They have similar nutrient needs--and meat eaters will usually eat vegetarian food.

Why do meat eaters get constipation more than vegetarians?

Meat doesn't have fiber in it. Vegetarians eat foods high in fiber.

Do vegetarians produce more poop than meat-eaters?

Not necessarily, no.

Do vegetarians have more iron deficiencies than meat eaters?


Do vegetarians use less water then meat eaters?

On their own, no. Vegetarians still have to wash the dishes and do laundry all the same that meat-eaters do. A vegetarians water-footprint (like a carbon footprint, but for water and water resources) might be a bit smaller than a meat-eaters because they will not have the water needed to raise live stock involved.

Is it wrong for vegetarians to make foods that taste like meat?

No. It is a way for vegetarians to enjoy a full and tasty diet, like meat-eaters are able to.

Are amphibians meat eaters?

No they are not, because amphibians eat plan things and they are vegetarians.

Are vegetarians not so healthy as meat eaters?

I suggest you Google that if you want to know the real Truth.It is actually proven that vegetarians are healthier.

Do vegetarians or meat-eaters make better lovers?

Neither is particularly better than the other.

Are groundhogs vetenarian?

Yes. They are total vegetarians.

How did meat eaters catch their food?

Most meat eaters areeither very large, have big and sharp teeth, big claws, are very fast, etc. so they usually have more of an advantage over vegetarians