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watch Val Kilmer and Kurt Russell in Tombstone and Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef in For a few dollars more (my personal favorites) as well you will see that in these films the high ride quick draw holsters are what people wore in them days they were authentic to the time period none of this low slung holster tied town to the leg junk that you see in the old Hollywood western films that never happend in the old west that's where the old film reserchers got it wrong they only wore high ride quick draw rigs as well as mainly wearing Navy Colts and Single Action Army 45 calibre revolvers

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Why are westerns called spaghetti westerns?

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Was Clint eastwood in spaghetti westerns?

The term "Spaghetti Westerns" is a bigoted and ignorant term that really is moronic and should not be used. It's only used by those envious of the fact that an Italian Director made all of the best Westerns ever made, rather than an American director. That said, He starred in Sergio Leone's Man With No Name/Dollars trilogy. "A Fistful of Dollars", "For A Few Dollars More", and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".

What is a spaghetti western movie?

Because they show people eating spaghetti a lot? Just kidding. Western produced in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s are called Spaghetti Western simply because they were produced in Italy. If they had been filmed in France they might have been called Baguette Westerns.