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Q: Are hamsters placental mammals
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Are hamsters marsupial?

No. Hamsters are placental mammals. Most marsupials (not all) are characterised by a pouch or marsupium, which the hamster does not have.

Are hamsters amphibian?

No. They're mammals, like you & me. Guinea Pigs have spines, which makes them vertebrates, not invertebrates.

Do placental mammals have fur?

Terrestrial placental mammals do have fur or hair. Marine placental mammals do not.

Are placental mammals and primates are same?

No. Primates are a group of placental mammals, but there are many placental mammals that are not primates.

Define placental mammals?

placental mammals are the most famous mammals

What are examples of placental animals?

Most mammals are placental...marsupial mammals and monotremes are not placental.

Are shrews placental mammals?

Yes. Shrews are placental mammals.

Are rabbits placental mammals or monotremes?

A rabbit is a placental mammal.

Are Bottle Nosed Dolphins placental mammals or marsupial mammals?

Dolphins are placental mammals.

What are baby baboons koalas opossums orangutans and hamsters called?

These creatures are all mammals. Baboons, orangutans and hamsters are all placental mammals while koalas and opossums are marsupials. Therefore, the young of koalas and opossums are called joeys.

Is a whale a marsupial?

Seals are placental mammals, as the young complete their development within the mother's uterus, attached to a placenta. They do not have a pouch like most marsupials, and they do not lay eggs like monotremes.

Does a bat have a pouch?

Neither. Bats are placental mammals, so they neither have a pouch, nor do they lay eggs.