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Q: Are heroic historical figures always famous?
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What legacy do ancient Greek myths and epics provide people with?

heroic figures and great adventures

Why is Laura Secord famous?

for her uot standing bravery and till the day she dies she will always be rembered because of her heroic ded that she did

Why are epics considered historical sources for information?

Epics are narratives told of legendary or historical figures that tell the tale of heroic deeds. The reluctant hero, the hero who discovered his hubris, the tragic hero, the hero of a thousand faces all told to instruct the reader, to tell the listener how heroes act when they struggle in the face of adversity. Our historical figures tend to mimic the reluctant hero, the ambitious hero and the tragic hero in their actions. Alexander the Great, Pompey, Caesar, Jesus, Constantine, William Wallace, Napoleon, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Martin Luther King...all historical figures that quite nicely fit into the heroic paradigm. When people lead epic lives their stories, their autobiographies and biographies and historical accounts become epic stories.

Why don't text books address the shortcomings of historical figures?

History is made by those who see a man/woman as interesting/worthy to be written about...and only those stories that are either heroic or atrocious are deemed interesting enough to keep them going on throughout the ages. We know plenty about the impotence of King Richard VIII. History likes to show the shortcomings of historical figures who are viewed as evil.

What is the traditional Scandinavian story form called?

The traditional Scandinavian story form is called a "saga." These narratives typically recount heroic tales of legendary figures and historical events in a prose format. Sagas often blend myth, legend, and history to provide a cultural and historical record of the Scandinavian people.

What is national hero?

The notion of national hero is the allocation of a number of qualities and objective characteristics or sometimes fantasized a historical figure by a national community. Some national heroes are also assigned, almost always after the fact, the distinction of Father of his Country. Many nations have one or more heroic figures, sometimes legendary, whose actions and personality are honored and highlighted as an example.

Which famous American herbalist 1769 - 1843 opposed heroic medical practices especially using mercury?

heroic medical. who opposed it?

One of the most famous heroic poem in the middle ages?


What makes a contemporary hero?

A contemporary hero has the same qualities as a classic hero. Heroic figures in literature are larger than life figures with a deep flaw that they are able to overcome.

Why are the dutch protecters of the franks heroic figures?

The Dutch protectors of the Franks are seen as heroic figures because they provided refuge and support to Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust, risking their own lives to protect them from the Nazis. Their actions demonstrated courage, compassion, and a commitment to standing up against injustice and persecution.

What is heroic comedy?

Heroic comedy is a type of comedy that combines elements of both comedy and tragedy, often featuring heroic figures in humorous and light-hearted situations. It typically involves elements of satire, parody, and exaggeration, with a focus on poking fun at heroic or epic conventions. Examples include plays like Molière's "The Misanthrope" and Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing."

What is heroic prose?

Heroic prose is a writing style characterized by grandeur, epic themes, and a heightened sense of heroism. It often portrays heroic figures and bold actions in a straightforward and dignified manner, focusing on ideals of courage, honor, and determination. Examples can be found in epic poems like the Iliad or Beowulf.