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Q: Are humans the only species that would try to seek revenge?
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There is only one species of primate that has no pigment in its palm. This species is humans. The only other primate that has no pigment in its palm would be an albino.

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Why is reproduction important for sustaining life?

In order for survival of species and its continuity. For example, you would not know there were a species like humans if there were only two humans and if they weren't capable of reproduction. Only because organisms reproduce, you come to know of their existence and their species thus survive.

How do species make a living?

The only species that has to rely on currency to survive - is humans !

If humans became extinct what if any species would also become extinct?

Humans actively conserve many endangered species, such as the Panda. Some species are fighting a losing battle against natural selection, and we're the only reason they're still alive. If humans were to disappear, these species would too. Despite it being humanity's fault that a lot of these species are endangered, humanity dying out would not necessarily solve this. There are some species of parasites that require human contact for one part, or all of their lifespan, and they are so specialised, that no other host will do. These would die out if there were no more humans.

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Actually only 10 out of shark species are a danger to humans. So they are not vicious man-eaters

Pokemon can understand humans?

Only the rare species of the Entei, Raikou, and Suicune can understand humans on a constant basis. But there are other species that can only understand the humans after your Pokemon eat the rare poffin found only in Saffron City. Hope this helps!

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