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  • When I started taking 40 mgs, I was the total opposite, I wanted to sleep all the time. But, I had the jitters when I wasn't tired. These sysmptoms wore off about 2 weeks for me
  • My 15 year old son was on Strattera for about 6 weeks. While on it, I noticed that he would sweat excessively with extertion, and seemed more irritable, edgy and moody.
  • I take 80mg of strattera. I began on 40mg then was increased to 80mg after 4 days. For the first 6 months I would go to sleep ok but I was unable to stay asleep.I would wake two or three times at night and would sometimes not be able to fall back to sleep for an hour or sometimes longer. Now I have been on strattera for almost a year and I am sleeping better. At times I will wake maybe once, but am able to easily go back to sleep.
  • I've been on Strattera for 6 weeks, and yes, nightsweats and excessive sweating occurs.
  • Jitters, it doesn't do that for me, although I do have more difficulty staying asleep. I now wake up at least 7 or 8 times a night, instead of once a night at 3 a.m., when I used to wake up and worry about all the problems I had. But with the Strattera, I don't worry at night any more.
  • I would be drenched with sweat when taking straterra. Was taking it for five months. Stopped for two days and no longer have the sweating problem. Worked great at first, but seems to have stopped working.
  • I have a 6 year old son who started out on 25 mg of strattera and has been taking 40 mg for about 3 weeks now. I'm not sure if he has adhd or not, but this is what his therapist put him on. My husband and I have noticed his hands tremble all the time and he sweats really bad. He always goes straight to sleep, but sleeps very restless. I hope they can figure out a medicine that works for him soon.
  • Yea, the sweating has not been totally fun. I'd be curious to see how many people have the similar issue, but after viewing the trials, 4% experienced excessive sweating and only 1% did in the placebo. But I'll take the sweating to the more focus and weight loss I have experienced. Any one know of a strong antiperspirant?
  • Yes! I've never before been like this - constantly hot, sweat a lot easier, hot flashes (I'm only in my 20's). As far asjitters,I don't get those ,(like when I tried Concerta or Adderall).But if you mean legjerking, muscle tics, etc. yeah I do.I'm also on Zoloft 200mg/day, which in itself causes involuntary stuff like that (you feel it but people dont notice), but this made those worsen a bit. Kinda funny though, not a problem!
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Q: Are jitters and sweating side effects of Strattera?
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There can be many different side effects that a 17 year old may experience when taking Strattera. Some of these are depression, suicidal thoughts, stomach upset, mood swings, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

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Yes, depression and suicidal thoughts are side effects of Strattera. This website can give you more information on the drug, how it works and side effects. If you are feeling depressed please see your doctor as soon as possible.

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There are several side effects associated with Lisinopil. Some of the more common side effects are blurred vision, confusion, increased urine, sweating, and weakness.

Are there any side effect taken Lexapro and Strattera?

Mixing Lexapro and Strattera can cause a few side effects. The Lexapro can cause the Strattera to build up in the blood more. This causes dry mouth, sleep problems, dizziness, loss of appetite and heart palpitations.

Does Strattera cause acne?

Strattera's most common side effects are stomach upset (including nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia or indigestion, appetite decrease, fatigue, and mood swings).

Do the side effects of Strattera go away over time or will whatever side effects that are present after 3 weeks be permanent as long as the drug is taken?

: Depending on the side effects you are experiencing from Strattera, some may reoccur each time you take the drug, while other may subside with time. I took Strattera for 6 weeks, and my heartburn did not go away so I stopped taking it. Strattera seems like one of those drugs where the side effects actually do occur and some are more extreme than the others. Im going to say that for the most part the side effects will most likely not go away. But for example if you get headaches, you could take some kind of aspirin, or Tylenol. (if your doctor approves) or maybe you just get used to it and it doesnt bother you, but from what I've seen the side effects are reoccuring and vicious. hope this helps*************

Can you take Strattera and depakote together?

Can you take strattera and depakote together?

Can Enzyte be taken with Strattera?

I do not know specifically about Enzyte, but I currently take a small dose (2.5 mg) of Cialis concurrently with my 80 mg daily dose of Strattera. This was prescribed by my doctor to help fight the sexual side effects of Strattera. There have been no negative interactions that I can tell and the Strattera sexual side effects have pretty much been eliminated. If you are taking Enzyte to combat sexual side effects of Strattera, I would suggest talking to your doctor or at the very least the pharmacist to find out if there are any possible interactions. As far as I know, Enzyte is completely herbal (and from what I've heard... a placebo), so it probably won't have any interactions, but it is better to be safe than sorry!

What are the side effects of using oral Albuterol?

The coadministration of Strattera and albuterol inhaler varies. After studies the side effects are increased heart rate and increase blood pressure found after 2 hours of administration.

Strattera side effect is hot flash warm feeling inside sweating like a cold?

I have had terrible problems with overheating on strattera, to the point that I can be dripping with sweat after a 2 block walk. And I literally mean "dripping", from the sides of my face onto my clothes, my forehead into my eyes, etc. My clothes get soaked. I am on a very low dose but am thinking of stopping it b/c I cannot tolerate this sweating.