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They have some similarities. Both reptiles and mammals are primarily land-dwelling vertebrates, though some species are aquatic.

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Q: Are mammals and reptiles similar
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Are birds closest to mammals or reptiles?

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No, alligators are not mammals, they are reptiles.

Are snakes mammals or animals Not reptiles?

Snakes are reptiles. Both mammals and reptiles are animals.

Are rabbits reptiles?

No,they are mammals. No. Rabbits are mammals, not reptiles. Another Rabbits are in the rodent family. Reptiles are snakes, lizards etc.

Why are mammals closey related to reptiles?

Mammals are not closely related to reptiles

What are mammals and reptiles?

Mammals are warm blooded and reptiles are cold blooded.

What was the physical changes from reptiles to mammals?

The physical changes from reptiles to mammals are there skin. Reptiles have dry scaly skin and mammals have smooth skin.

Which reptiles are mammal?

No reptiles are mammals.

What is the same about mammals and reptiles?

Something that is the same about mammals and reptiles are that they are both alive. Diferent: reptiles r cold blooded!

What reptilesare mammals?

No reptiles are mammals. Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs whereas mammals bear live young.

Are chameleon mammals?

no. they are reptiles

What is the difference between mammals and reptiles?

reptiles are cold blooded and mammals are warm blooded.