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The cessation of Migraine attacks can sometimes be associated with menopause when the patient's main triggers are reproductive hormones. Migraine attacks themselves do not usually begin at menopause, although they can escalate during peri-menopause and menopause. A new headache with Migrainous symptoms that appears after age 40 should be investigated by a headache specialist or qualified physician.

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Q: Are migraines associated with menopause
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Premature menopause increases the risk of longterm health risks, osteoporosis and heart disease, associated with menopause.

Is there a link between migraines and a person's diet?

There are several food that have been associated to having triggered migraines. People who eat more meat and cheese tend to suffer more from migraines. Nuts, caffine, and chocolate also seem to add to migraines.

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climacterium refers to menopause and the bodily and mental changes associated with it.

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Go to the doctor if you think your pregnant. Could be another problem associated with menopause.

When does menopausal weight loss usually happen?

The weight gain typically occurs just following menopause itself. There are a variety of hormonal changes occurring at the same time, leading the typical symptoms of menopause (hot-flashes, cramps, migraines, etc).

Can epilepsy cause the patient to suffer migraine symptoms?

Yes. People with seizure disorders often state they see or feel an "aura." Seizure aura can be similar to migraine aura, or they can vary widely - having to do more with feeling a certain feeling like fear or deja vu. There is a specific type of migraine variant called Migralepsy, during which patients with experience both migraine and seizures. For some people, the migraine is almost a warning sign of impending seizure.

If a female rabbit is neutered will she encounter the same problems associated with menopause as women?

No, and a female rabbit is spayed.

Should you take HRT or go into menopause?

It isn't a choice. Menopause will occur whether or not you take HRT. HRT will reduce some of the symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes. If you can tolerate the symptoms you are better off not taking the HRT because it increases the risk of developing certain cancers.

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There are number of natural supplements which can help provide relief from pain associated with menopause. Menozac is one of those natural supplements. what are the supplements? I have heard starflower oil is good is there any others?

Is a bad migraine more commonly a sign of your period coming or pregnancy?

Migraines are more often associated with menstruation than with pregnancy. However, the hormonal changes during pregnancy can bring about migraines, even to a woman who has never experienced migraines before. (This does not make it a sign of pregnancy, however, because it is very individual. Unless you've had a prior pregnancy where migraines factored in as one of the first signs, it is unwise leap to this conclusion.)