

Are mosquitoes parasite

Updated: 3/15/2022
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8y ago

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Mosquitoes are not parasites. A parasite either lives inside another organism (for example, a tapeworm, or some kinds of bacteria) or it makes its permanent home on the outside of another organism (such as ticks, or lice). The mosquito just drinks blood and leaves; this is a form of predation rather than parasitism.

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Marielle Crist

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2y ago
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14y ago

Yes! mosquitoes are parasites more precisely they are ectoparasities. Only female mosquitoes are ectoparasites whereas the males are non parasites. they feed on juices of plants ie they don't feed on blood like female mosquitoes.

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It appears that infection of the mosquito by the parasite seems to increase the mosquitoes' survival.

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The bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.

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Mosquitoes pick up the malaria parasite (Plasmodium) from the blood of infected people when it bites them, it can then transmit the parasite to other people.

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vector is usually is the arthropodes carrying the parasites such as mosquitoes.

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It is transited to people, by mosquitoes infected with the malaria parasite. It's specifically and solely, the Anopheles mosquito.

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female mosquito carries a parasite called protozoan which causes malaria

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Fleas, ticks, lice, mites and mosquitoes are all parasites that can be found in the desert.

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Plasmodium gets into mosquitoes when they feed on the blood of a human or animal infected with the parasite. The parasite enters the mosquito's digestive system and moves to its salivary glands, where it can be passed on to another host during a subsequent blood meal.

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The female anopheles mosquitoes carry malarial parasites.