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most of the elements are solids at room temperature.

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Q: Are most elements a solid liquid or gas at a room temperature?
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Are chemical elements always liquid?

No, it depends on temperature. At room temperature most elements are solid, some are gases, and only two are fluid.

What state of matter is the most common among the elements?

The solid stete is common for metals butthere are exceptions also. Like mercury which is liquid at room temperature

Are most elements metals non metal or metalloids?

Most elements are solids and some are gases. Only two are liquid, mercury (Hg) which is also the only metal that is liquid, and Bromine.

What state of matter are most elements at room temperature?

At room temperature most of the elements are solid. except Cs,Ga,Br,Fr,Hg (these are liquid) and nonmetals which are gaseous..except Br which being a nonmetal is not a gas.

Are most elements gas liquid or solid?

solid gas

Are most elements solid metals?

Yes. Most periodic tables have a key which tells you what state the element is at room temperature. For example, Hg (mercury) is the only element that is liquid at room temperature.

How does temperature effect the state of matter?

because of the cold temprature that makes condensation 2. At low temperatures, most elements will be solid. At intermediate temperatures a few elements such as mercury will be liquid. At high temperatures most elements will be liquid, and higher again, all elements will be vapour.

Most of the elements are in this state of matter at room temperature?


Is an apple solid or liquid?


Can a element be in a form of a solid?

I'm pretty sure all elements have a freezing temperature at standard pressure.

What state of matter are most of the elements of the periodic table?

The liquid elements in periodic table are only 2 , Mercury and Bromine, gaseous elements are 11, Hydrogen, Nitrogen , Oxygen, Fluorine , Chlorine and six Noble gases all other elements are solids.

Describe the 3 categories of the periodic table?

Solid, Gaseous, Liquid with Solid Elements having the most.