

Are most wolves nice

Updated: 10/9/2023
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8y ago

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this is a very inappropriate question! are ANY wolves nice? ANY? Well wolves are no nice nor evil or mean. The only reason they do act mean is because they think of you or someone else as a threat to theirselves, their pups or to their pack theres ur answer

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Q: Are most wolves nice
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How are wolves nice?

Wolves usually raise up children of other kind of animals. They also make good pets when they are raised up by human when whey were a little pup. Dogs came from wolves and that is why wolves are nice. By the way, please protect wolves.Thank You!

What do tundra wolves do during the day?

tundra wolves enjoy nice meals while playing on the tundra.

What are the most powerful wolves?

- gray wolves - dire wolves - Alaskan wolves These Are The Most Powerful Wolves In Order From Strongest To weakest But They Are All Powerful.

Are gray wolves harmful?

most wolves are harmful and that does include gray wolves

Where in Mississippi are there wolves?

Wolves in Mississippi are almost completely extinct, before colonialism most wolves in Mississippi were red wolves but now they are almost all gone. Most red wolves currently are in Texas and Louisiana. It's a shame but most wolves you hear about in Mississippi are simply coyotes.

Behaviors of wolves?

the behavior of a wolf is actually very nice until its interupted.

Do wolves grow bigger than huskies?

Most wolves do.

Are wolves nice to humans?

Wolves generally try to stay away from humans so they might be if u invade there territory or come to close.

How wolves bark?

Wolves hardly bark. They howl most of the time.

Are arctic wolves carnivors?

yes they are. Most or all wolves are carnivores.

What colors are most wolves said to be?

Gray wolves, the species of wolves we have in the U.S., are a shade of gray, white, or black.

Why should people protect wolves?

Wolves are not like the big bad wolves you have read or heard about in fairy tales! Occasionally they have been heard to attack cattle, but they are nice peaceful animals generally and they need to be protected so they do not become extinct.