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However, generally in most USA states. You can go if the engine is 15"1"cc or more.
depends on the state but i would imagine that 150 is the smallest allowed on the expressway, anything smaller is dangerous.

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Q: Are motor scooters whose engines have less than 150 cubic centimeter displacement allowed to be driven on an expressway?
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Are motor scooters whose engines have less than a 150 cubic centimeter displacement allowed to drive on the expressway?

Most interstate highways in the US do not allow motor scooters, because they usually cannot maintain the minimum speeds. Various state laws also restrict motor scooters on limited access highways such as tollways.

Are motor scooters whose engines have less than 150 cubic centimeter displacement allowed to be driven on an expressway and why?

i believe you have to have at least a 250 and it has to be one that is highway legal. anything under 250cc can not maintain a safe speed on the highway, they are not built to handle highways because of small frames and small tires.

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No, because they cannot run at the same speed as the rest of the traffic.

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their not allowed because the boardwalk may break at any time with something heavy like that on it

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