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Q: Are narcissists forced to love themselves malignantly because they were not loved in childhood?
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Why do narcissists hate authority?

Narcissists may resent authority figures because they struggle with relinquishing control and desire to be in positions of power themselves. They may see authority figures as threats to their own dominance and superiority, leading to feelings of resentment and defiance. Additionally, narcissists may perceive authority as a challenge to their self-centered view of the world.

Why do narcissists say hurtful things to there girlfriend's to get a reaction?

Because they feel like they own you. You are in their eyes an extension of themselves and will want to project all of the anger and rage they have inside, unto you.

What does naricssistic personality disorder mean?

Narcissistic personality disorder means that a person sees themselves as being much better than others and have an elevated sense of self worth. People diagnosed with this disorder are referred to as Narcissists. Narcissists can be extremely vain and arrogant, and would usually not think twice about taking advantage of another person to achieve their own goals. Narcissists also don't handle any type of criticism well because they perceive themselves as being perfect, and may lash out at a person who criticizes them with extreme anger.

Why do narcissists treat their children well but their soulmates poorly?

They may be nice to there children because they see them as extensions of themselves and not as"free thinking individuals." Children are just more mirrors for them to look at in vain.

How do female narcissistics end up who are out to make other people's lives miserable?

A Narcissist is actually miserable within themselves because they put too much pressure on themselves. Usually Narcissists are no more than perfectionists. Although Narcissists are a royal pain in the butt I am convinced that this is a disease of thought patterns in the brain. Unfortunately, Narcissists could end up having a very lonely life unless they are lucky enough to land a very laid-back person that can put up with behavior and look past the Narcissistic behavior and see the good in the person. Marcy

Why do heterosexual narcissists say they don't need women?

for the same reason heterosexual narcissists say the don't need men...i guess New Answer-Because most narcissistis are auto erotic(masturbate)watch a lot of Porn because they don't need to get emotional attached and only need to satisfy themselves....if they have a woman will be to bare HIS children and serve him as a slave,but they will withdraw affection and sex after they have got them caught in their web....

Is all the pain narcissists create because of all of the pain they have for themselves Do they really do all of the bad things that they do because it is their nature?

Narcissist are hurting inside and they want the outside world to reflect their hurt. This way it is not inside them any longer and they are not the problem. The outside world is.

What is False Self Mode when speaking of Narcissists?

Narcissists pretty much always operate in 'False Self Mode' because they deny and ignore their real, fallible selves in favour of a false, grandiose self-image. They need to feel good about themselves all the time and cannot, and will not, accept that they have weaknesses and failings like 'ordinary' people. They see themselves as superior and special, far above other mere mortals (that is, the rest of us). There are several articles on narcissism at:

Why do narcissists torture?

Because they are narcissists and that type of behavior is in their nature. You need to educate yourself about narcissism. The Mayo Clinic website is a good place to begin. Dragging someone else down makes them feel like they have power.

Why do narcissists want you to humiliate yourself?

Because it makes them feel good. That's how sick they are.

What is the age for early childhood?

Because its childhood and its to cold.

Why is childhood called childhood?

Because chidren were always in the hoodY.O.L.O.