

Are nectarines related to plums

Updated: 10/7/2023
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8y ago

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No a cross between a peach and a plum is a possible. I have just purchased a Pleach (plum X peach). According to the label it looks like a red peach. A nectarine is best described as a smooth skinned peach.

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8y ago

Nectarines and plums belong to the Prunus genus and are closely related.

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No, nectarines are peaches that have a recessive inactive version of the gene that produces peachfuzz.

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Plums: yes, but not all varieties. Apricots: yes, but only certain varieties. better south of Mpls. - St. Paul. Nectarines, Peaches: maybe, specific varieties in the southern part of the state. All prunus (plum, apricot, peach) bloom early and are subject to late frost damage.

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Stone fruits are fruits with a stone or "pit" in the middle. Cherries, peaches and plums are examples of stone fruits.

In a bowl are 5 plums4 nectarines 6peacheswhat is the probability of picking a peach at random?

5 plums + 4 nectarines + 6 peaches = 15 fruit total. Assuming equal chance to pick each one, and that there are 6 peaches in 15 fruits, the answer is 6/15.

What does prunus mean?

Originally the Latin word 'prunus' was limited to plums. Later it was made to include cherries and apricots. Later still, the peach, almonds and nectarines were included in this category

Can a comma replace and?

Yes, a comma can replace the word and, when you are giving a list of things. For example, there are many kinds of fruit, which include apples, pears, oranges, plums, nectarines, grapefruit, etc.

What fruit is round and juicy with furry skins that are related to apricots and nectarines?

A peach

What family are plums in?

Plums are related to cherry trees. They are in the same Genus Prunus. Answer. Plums belong to Prunus domestica the garden plum. Eating cherries are bred from Prunus Avium.

What happens to trees during summer?

Summer fruit includes berries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums, melons and even mangoes, lychee nuts, and fresh figs