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Yes they are mild

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Q: Are pears okay to eat when recovering from stomach flu?
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Do animals eat pears?

not all animals eat pears

Can Alpaca's eat pears?

They can, but probably should not be fed pears.

Can you eat Chinese food after recovering from a stomach ache?

uuhh.. yeah unless you cant stand chinese food and dont want any.

Can horses eat raw pears?

yes pears and other fresh, clean, fruits are a good treat for horses. a few thin slices with no seeds will do the trick. just not to much because horses that aren't used to eating that can get stomach aches.

Why do pears grow best in Sweden?

because Swedes like to eat pears!

Do possums eat pears?

Possums are expert climbers, and can use their prehensile tail quite well. They will readily eat pears.

Can pet rats eat pears or tomatoes?

They can eat both, though they tend to enjoy pears more than tomatoes.

What to eat when recovering from a stomach ache?

You don't eat nothing if you do that you may start throw up and you may ate too much off that same thing1. try using the bathroom maybe something was backed up in your bladder and that caused you to have a stomach acheI hoped this helped you! :)Actually there is something called the brat diet! the brat diet is something you eat to calm the stomach down! It consists of B=bananas R=rice A=applsauce and T=toast. these all calm down the stomach and make you feel better! also of corse you can eat crackers or soup

What do peccary eat?

fruits (pears)

Are pears healthy to eat?

Absolutely healthy.

Is it okay to eat prunes everyday if your a recovering laxative addict?

If you keep it to a reasonable one or two servings a day - yes. If you are trying to clean yourself out with massive doses then there may be a problem.

Can you eat a rubix cube?

It's posibal. you could try but you would prob. choke or have to get an operation to get it out of your stomach. JUST DON'T DO IT OKAY!!!!!!!!