

Are people mammals

Updated: 12/19/2022
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11y ago

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Yes because All mammals have fur or hair and people has too

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we have legs

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Q: Are people mammals
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How do mammals affect people?

Mammals affect people because people are mammals... Also, many people have mammals as pets, we eat other mammals such as cows and pigs.

Do animals have peirods?

Not all animals, but most mammals do, hence why people have periods (people=mammals)

Are people manmals?

yes, people are mammals...

do people have warm blodded?

All mammals are warm blooded. And people are mammals. So yes people are warm blooded.

Are people mammals or reptiles?

There are more mammals because of the dinosaurs.

Why was it necessary for mammals to change after sin came?

cause people began to hunt mammals

Is a human being a mammal?

Yes, a human being is a mammal. Mammals are a group of vertebrate animals that have mammary glands to nurse their young, hair or fur, and typically give birth to live young. Humans possess all these characteristics, making them mammals.

What type of organism are people?

Mammals .

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Are giraffes reptiles?

no, of course not. they don't have scales, stupid.

What do giraffes have in comen with people?

Both are mammals

How are dogs like people?

We are both mammals.