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TIE!people aren't allergic to cats more then dogs.same thing with dogs.

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Q: Are people more allergic to cats than dogs?
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Related questions

What are more people allergic to dogs or cats?

A lot more people are allergic to cats than dogs ( I think twice as many).

Are people more allergic to cats then dogs?


What percentage of the population are allergic to cats?

A huge percent, more people are allergic to cats than dogs.:( 15-20% of the population, it could be even more considering more people have cats.

Are more people allergic to cats or dogs?

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If the child is not specifically allergic to dogs, he would benefit from the friendship of a dog. Dog allery is quite rare. More people are allergic to cats than to dogs.

Do people have more dogs or cats?


Can Dogs be allergic to cat?

no because they are usually friends with cats .

Do more people like dogs or cats?

It's a matter of opinion. According to a book I read on cats, more people have pet cats than dogs. BUt that doesn't mean they like cats better. It really just depends on the person itself.

Are dogs the best?

Yes dogs are the best. Some people like cats but dogs are way better they are loyal, they can do jobs like being i eye seeing dog of the blind and a police and many more, they can go for walks, they are a man best friend, they are playful and they can do a lot more stuff then cats and less people are allergic to dogs then cats

Are cats or dogs more independent?

Cats are very shy and most of them dont like people. But dogs love people.

Who likes cats more than dogs?

Dogs generally don't like cats. But people love cats more than dogs. --this is a comment-- i think the dogs are jealous I dooooooo!! :P *jumps up and down and waves both hands at people*

Are male or female cats more allergenic?

Male cats are generally worse for people allergic to cats than female cats. This is because the FED1 protein found in cat urine, sweat, saliva, ect. causes people to be allergic to cats. Males produce this protein more than females, partially because they urinate more to mark their territory. So more FED1 protein, more people sneezing.