

Are phosphorus deficiencies rare

Updated: 10/19/2022
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12y ago

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No. Phosphorus deficiency is a common consequence for malnutrition in developing countries. Symptoms might include muscular and neurological dysfunction.

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Q: Are phosphorus deficiencies rare
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WHY ARE Vitamin K deficiencies rare?

B. because intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K.

Are there any phosphorus supplements?

Yes. I think there's a wiki entry on Neutra-phos. Very expensive. There are cheaper ones out there at various vitamin websites [google 'phosphorus supplements'], but I don't know about their reliability. Dietary deficiencies are unusual, but there are rare cases of individuals whose livers do not properly store phosphorus. If you're one of those and suffer from the deficiency, it can involve painful muscle cramps and unpleasant chills. If you haven't had a diagnosed deficiency, there are a number of downsides to taking phosphorus, so it's a good idea to have your doctor test for a deficiency by having blood work done.

Is phosphorus a rare earth element?

No, phosphorus is just a nonmetal element.ANSWERPhosphorus is the eleventh most abundant element in the Earth's crust at about 0.12% or 1000 ppm.

What is the state of the element phosphorous at room temp?

Phosphorus is solid at room temperature. That said, phosphorus is an element that can take different solid forms, depending upon how it was prepared and other factors. These different forms are called "allotropes".So a room temperature sample of phosphorus could be the common red phosphorus, used to make matches and road flares; the poisonous waxy white phosphorus, which is used to make incendiary bombs; or the rare purple/black phosphorus. You can see pictures of all three allotropes by googling "phosphorus".

What is the prognosis for people with learning disorders?

It is rare for persons with LD to completely improve their academic deficiencies. However, performance in the area of weakness can significantly improve with appropriate treatment interventions.

How can complement deficiencies be prevented?

There is currently no way to prevent complement deficiencies.

What lunar elements does NASA represent by the acronym KREEP?

KREEP is Potassium Rare Earth Elements Phosphorus; K is the symbol of potassium, from kalium.KREEP is lunar mineral.

What is the Latin name for phosphorus?

the latin name for phosphorus is phosphorus

Why is phosphorus named phosphorus?

phosphorus means "bringer of light".

Is phosphorus Ionic or convalent bond?

Phosphorus is a nonmetallic element so phosphorus-phosphorus bonds are covalent.

Is phosphorus a mixture a compound or a element?

Phosphorus is an element.