

Are pigs an intelligent species

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Yes, they are but comparing pigs to dogs (or children) is like comparing apples to Oranges. Animals develop specializations according to their surroundings. Pigs are smart enough to be able to survive in their environment just as an octopus.

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Q: Are pigs an intelligent species
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Are pigs amazing?

Yes pigs are amazing, they are intelligent lovable animals.

What are the top ten most intelligent species?

Chimpanzees Gorillas Orangutans Baboons Gibbons Monkeys Small toothed whales Dolphins Elephants Pigs

Why aren't there flying pigs?

Because pigs are intelligent animals and prefer to travel by sea.

Is the pig the smartests species in the world?

No. Pigs are pretty clever, but are not the "smartest species in the world". Border collies are probably more intelligent; certainly, they are capable of understanding more words than pigs are. I think that pigs get a reputation for "smartness" because pigs constantly exceed the farmer's low expectations of them. Further, you would need to define some measure of "brightest" in order to determine what the "brightest" species in the world would be. Would dolphins or whales qualify? They don't use tools - but they have nothing to use tools WITH. But based on the sizes of their brains, whales or elephants ought to be fairly intelligent, and in practice they are. More intelligent than humans? Difficult to say; we would need a better definition of "intelligence" than we have now in order to answer this question.

What is the most intelligent mammal order?

Humans, dolphins or pigs.

How is a pig similar towards a human?

There are likely more/better reasons, here's some: - Humans and pigs are both omnivores - Certain organs are similar enough between the species to be able to function in the other species without the body rejecting it - Pigs are deemed to be one of the most intelligent animals (bringing them somewhat closer to humans)

Why is pigs dogs?

Pigs are not dogs. They are two different species.

How can you use intelligent in a sentence?

The human species is known for its exceptional intelligence.

Which is the least intelligent species that has a brain?


Why do people keep pigs?

Some people keep them as pets, others farm them for food. Pigs are intelligent pets and tasty food.

Do potbelly pigs fly?

Nope. All species of pigs can't fly.