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Yes, most states allow this. A law enforcment official has the right to park anywhere and run radar for speeders. A resident may request that an officer not park in their driveway, but there is no law that says that an officer cannot do so.

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Q: Are police in NC allowed to do speed traps while sitting in a residential driveway?
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I would think not, if your driveway is private property. Take pictures of the car and complain to the police.

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Yes, blocking the sidewalk is illegal and if it is over the sidewalk it is not legally parked in your driveway.

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Yes. If the violation happened in a place that the officer was allowed to enforce laws, then the fact that you made it 'safely' to your driveway does not stop him from writing a ticket or making an arrest.

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Contact your local police department and ask if you can tow the car away.

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I have a similar dispute with neighbors and police. From what I understand so far, as long as you do not block the driveway and if there is not sign posted, there is no feet as long as you don't block the driveway.

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Your answer depends on who owns the driveway, and who damaged the drain. Best practices dictate that you file a police report and contact your insurance carrier, who can sort out who pays for the repair of the damage.

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Of course they are - Do you think police have to stand on trains?