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Yes, they are safe, just cut that part off if you don't like it.

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Q: Are potatoes with potato scab safe to eat?
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If a potato is frozen on the outside is it safe to eat?

While potatoes that have been frozen are safe to eat the cell structure of the potatoes will have been damaged. As a result the quality of the potato has been diminished.

Is it safe for ponies to eat raw potato skin?

No they are not safe, Potatoes are toxic to horses and shouldn't be fed to them.

Can you eat potato during jaundice?

Potatoes are rich in vitamin D and they are safe to eat during jaundice. This includes sweet potatoes and yams.

Are cooked peeled potatoes safe to eat?

Im assuming you are talking about the potato skin...and the answer is yes

Can deer eat potato peelings?

yes a deer can eat potato peelings but they eat potatoes

Can you eat potato chips?

Yes; you can eat potato chips, provided you are not allergic to potatoes.

Do people eat potatoes?

Sure they do – potato chips, french fries, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, baked potato with toppings.

Can dogs eat raw sweet potato?

a dog can eat sweet potatoes

If uncooked potatoes are left in a hot car all day are they still safe to eat?

Yes, they are OK if you are talking about leaving a bag of unprocessed, raw potatoes in the car. Their keeping quality may have degraded, but they should be safe to use. If you are talking about a potato casserole, then I would say, "No, they are not safe to eat."

Why is the potato beetle the most hated beetle?

They eat potatoes. And we want to eat those potatoes, too.

Is it possible to eat a whole potato in 2 bites?

Yes, if they are fingerling potatoes or early potatoes.

Do you like to eat potatoes?

Sure. You should have a potato once in a while?