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Not really if they are otherwise healthy, especially if they get their flu vaccinations as recommended by the OB/GYN associations. They are, however, at higher risk of having complications, sometimes serious complications, once they have the flu. See the related questions below for more information about the importance of getting your flu vaccinations in pregnancy, and also who is at higher risk, besides pregnant women, for complications of the flu.

Flu vaccinations not only protect you from getting the flu and risking the higher rate of complications of the flu in pregnant women, but also protect your fetus and newborn. Your newborn is without a mature and fully functioning immune system until 6 months old. Until then, the infant relies on your antibodies from breast milk and your antibodies from your blood during gestation to protect them from Infectious Diseases.

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Q: Are pregnant women more at risk of getting swine flu?
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Can Swine Flu be deadly for a 6 month pregnant woman and the baby?

Pregnant women are at higher risk of developing complications from the H1N1/09 flu virus. They already have stress on their immune systems from the pregnancy and adding illness to that can leave them much more vulnerable. Many of the deaths from the pandemic swine flu were among pregnant women. Vaccinations are safe for pregnant women and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that all pregnant women get the flu vaccination that includes the "swine flu" vaccine to prevent them from getting the infectious disease. See the related question below for more information about those recommendations.

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Go to the doctor tard. If you have it you are getting more people infected

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that's not true men are actually more proned to getting sick than women because its proven by science that women especially when pregnant gain stronger immune systems through there pregnancies where as some men not all but some have weak immune systems so there more proned to getting sick then women

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Yes, both pregnant and non-pregnant women can get BV. It's of more concern in pregnant women because it is associated with preterm labor.

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Pregnant women are at risk of having a baby. If you could be more specific in your question, you would likely get a more specific answer.

Why pregnant woman need more energy then a unpregnant woman?

Pregnant women need more energy then an unpregnant women because the baby needs food to develop into a human being thus the Pregnant woman needs more energy PREGNANT WOMEN OFTEN HAVE TO SLEEP ALOT MORE ALSO. Hope this helps

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No. I have known plenty of women that have had DNC's and have many kids now. NO! I had 2 of them and I had 2 more kids afterwards. No.

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