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Praying Mantis are carnivores, with the exception of the Chinese Mantis who occasionally ingests pollen.

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Q: Are preymantis canivores or herbivores
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Are earwigs canivores or herbivores?

Earwigs are herbivores. See the Related Link below.

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No. Deer are herbivores because they eat plants like grass, forbs and tree leaves.

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worms are niether herbivores nor canivores, they are decomposers that recycle dead or dying particles in the soils.

What type of dinosaur eat plants?

herbivores, who only eat plants and omnivores, who eat both plants and animals. it is canivores that only eat meat and not plants.

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A Preymantis.

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Yes, they are.

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Where do herbivores go in the trophic pyramid?

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How do carnivores get energy? By eating meat.

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