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Q: Are red kidney beans a good source of magnesium?
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What is a good food source of protein and iron?

Meat is a good source of both protein and iron. Liver is an even richer source. Other sources includelentils, lima beans, kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and soybeans. Raisins are also a high source of iron.

Is red kindey beans good for your kindeys?

well, red beans are good for your kidneys don't say red kidney beans

Are beans good to the kidney?

well yes they are its iron

Which bean contains the most protein?

black beans have tha higher concentration of protein. second to those the soy bean. nevertheless dont forget that other beans such as kidney or pinto beans are also a good source of protein.

What are soldier beans?

Soldier beans are a type of white bean that is similar in appearance to kidney beans. They have a mild flavor and creamy texture when cooked, making them a versatile ingredient in soups, stews, and salads. Soldier beans are a good source of protein, fiber, and various nutrients.

How many grams of protein in pinto beans?

each kidney bean contains 0.05 grams of protein. so it pretty much is not a good source of protein , at all.

Do you eat any foods high in magnesium?

Green vegetables like spinach are an excellent source of magnesium, because it is part of the chlorophyll molecule within plants. Also, some beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are good sources of magnesium.

Are kidney beans good when one needs to lose weight?

Yes! Definitely! Kidney Beans naturally are great and helps you loose weight, but don't just eat Kidney beans because one needs variety in one's diet!

Red meat and beans are good source of what?


What bean to use in place of pinto beans?

only if you like kidney beans better. in cooking, you need to think more about what you like. you don't always need to have the exact foods. think of it as more of a guideline.

Is it good to eat raw beans soaked in water?

No, it is not good. Some beans such as the commonly eaten, red kidney bean are quite toxic when eaten uncooked. Cooking the beans removes the toxic substance found in most beans.

What are lima beans used for?

Lima beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber,