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What makes a religion true? Truth is a very tricky word & there are many different aspects to even one religion. The two prominent religions of today (Islam & Christianity) are based on Holy Books, which contain scientific errors, cruelty, stupidity, and out right insanity. So I suppose one could say they're false in that sense. However, they also preach love, peace, respect, etc. These philosophies work well for our society, so maybe they're true in that sense. But overall, it's hard to pin point what true religion is when they all have different perspectives on how to live & what happens after you die.

Different ways of life work for different people, depending on your environment. If you're into religion, you just need to learn as much as possible about it & find which one works best for you. Or you could just ignore all of them together & stick to the scientific explanations of the world.

Answer 2: Yes, yes it does.

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It depends on the opinion of the individual. It has not been proved conclusively either way, so there is no definitive, factual answer.

Ans#2 from a different person: Yes most religions are somewhat truthful in the truth that they speak but the fact is many of them are blind to the whole truth in life. They only see things threw one point of view and do not see the whole picture. Once you study all religions and the all the different thoughts of life you can see things clearly from the points of view of the world. The picture will come together and life is filled with answers.

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no religon is not real. if you belive that Jesus Christ as ur personal savior then u are spirutially saved. it not a religon. it is a personal relationship with god!!!!!

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