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NO!! Rockhopper penguins is TOTALLY diffrent then macaroni penguins. For instance Rockhopper penguins don't have the yellow "eyebrows" like macaroni penguins. So yeah. Does that answer your question? __ NO!! Rockhopper penguins is TOTALLY diffrent then macaroni penguins. For instance Rockhopper penguins don't have the yellow "eyebrows" like macaroni penguins. So yeah. Does that answer your question? __

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yes they just live somewhere else

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Q: Are rock hopper penguins the same as macaroni penguins?
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Where is rock hopper on Yukon?

He is not always in the same room, but he is usually in the ship.

How do you be in he same room as rock hopper on club penguin to get he stamp?

Well being in the same room means meeting him. As soon as you enter the room he is in, you will get the stamp.

What do Macaroni penguins eat besides fish?

they also eat fish of course but they also eat squid and some other food we are all not sure of what else they eat but they do spend most of their time in the water hunting for the food. All kinds of penguins eat the same type of food but not all the time. Some of the penguins eat different if they were all the same why would penguins be your favorite animal. Anyways so ya there we go. there u go all of your questions.

What is height of macaroni penguin?

The average adult Macaroni Penguin weighs 12lb (5.5kg), average length is 28 in (70 cm).Please see related link below!

What is an egg hopper?

Well you know a grain hopper, its the same thing, but with eggs.

7 ounces of dry macaroni is how many cups?

7 ounces of dry macaroni is equal to 0.876 cups of dry macaroni. That is the same thing as 0.4375 pints of dry macaroni.

What do fairy penguins do?

Fairy penguins are the same as little blue penguins and the do basicly the same thing as other penguins, but there a lot smaller and very cute in my opinion.

Is a space hopper the same as a rubber ball?

It is not exactly the same, but it is very similar. A space hopper has handles, and a regular rubber ball does not. A space hopper is also much larger than a normal rubber ball.

Do penguins breed with other animals?

Penguins breed with other penguins of the same species.

Did Macaroni invent the pasta machine?

No; "macaroni" is probably derived from a Latin root (we get "macerate" from the same root), it isn't someone's name. Macaroni (the pasta) is probably an Arabic invention.

What are penguins friends?

Penguins are flightless birds from the Antarctic. There are many different sizes and colours - about 17 different types of penguins: The emperor penguin, the biggest penguin of all; The adelie penguin, a small type of penguin with white rings around its eyes; The rock-hopper penguin, another small penguin but unusual with tufts of yellow feathers on their ears; and there are many many more. They eat fish and squid. They swim very fast to catch their prey and sometimes belly-slide on land instead of walking. Penguins in general do the same things as any living and breathing organism: eat and digest, live, reproduce themselves (as birds do, by laying and hatching eggs), die, etc.

What do chipstrap penguins have in common with other penguins?

chinstrap, gentoo, and adelie penguins are in the same catagory of penguins i forget what its called