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A:What is known as the Temple of Solomon was the first temple in Jerusalem. This was destroyed at the start of the Babylonian Exile, as was the second temple in 70 CE. Therefore, there is no longer a temple in Jerusalem.

Mark S. Smith (The Early History of God) say that child sacrifices appear to have been performed in the name of God during the monarchical period, although they were probably not common during the late monarchy. If so, it is likely that these sacrifices took place in the Jerusalem Temple.

It is well attested that animal sacrifices continued to be performed in the Temple during the Second Temple period, up to 70 CE.

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Q: Are sacrifices still performed at the Temple of Solomon?
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The Jews do not have a Temple in which to carry out their rituals. The Tanach (Jewish Bible) specifies that prayer replaces sacrifice when the Temple is not standing.Additionally, one of the prophecies of hamoshiach is that he will build the third Temple at which time sacrifice will be reinstated.(Please note that the Christian concept of messiah doesn't exist in Judaism.)