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No. They are usually smaller.

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Q: Are satellites larger than the planets?
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Statements about the motion of planetary satellites?

Planetary satellites vary greatly in size, from very small, to some that are larger than some planets.

Why do the larger outer planets have more satellites than the smaller planets?

This is because the larger planets have more of a gravitational pull. The higher attraction you have to other objects the more likely you are to have them around you. Some believe earth only has a moon because it collided with us from space.

Natural or artificial bodies that orbit larger celestial bodies such as planets are called?


Do Inner planets rings and satellites more rings and satellites than outer planets?

I do not understand the question - the inner planets have no rings, and only Earth and Mars have moons.

Why are moons called satellites?

In astronomical terms, a satellite is any body that orbits another body. Planets are satellites of stars, and there are smaller "satellite galaxies" that border or orbit larger galaxies such as the Milky Way.The word moons refers to satellites of planets, dwarf planets, or asteroids. They are often called "natural satellites" to differentiate them from "artificial satellites" which are manmade devices in orbit around planets or moons.

Why do larger planets have more satellites?

Because since the outer planets are bigger then they have more gravity, drawing more objects toward it.

What the asteroids are larger or smaller than planets?

are asteroids smaller or larger than planets

Are moons satellites to planets?

yes moons are satellites to other planets

What two planets are larger than the moon?

Actually all the current planets are larger than our moon.

How are planets different from satellites?

simple! planets are huge or normally bigger than satellites in terms of mass, area and size. planets normally have a atmosphere like the earth. planets revolve around the sun whereas satellites revolve around the planet. both of them are non luminous object which means they reflect the light from the sun. satellites are usually fragments of a planet when it was forming.

What is a natural satellite that orbits a planet?

Satellites are natural or artificial bodies that revolve around larger bodies like planets. Except for Mercury and Venus, all of the planets have natural satellites call MOONS.

What are satellites of planets?

Natural satellites of planets are called moons, if they are large enough.