

Are scorpions the devil's creatures

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no! they are made to keep the insects in balance!

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Q: Are scorpions the devil's creatures
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Do thorny devils eat scorpions?

No. Thorny devils feed exclusively on ants. They prefer small, black ants of the Iridomyrmex flavipes species.

Is the Tasmanian Devil social?

No. Tasmanian devils are solitary creatures.

Which creatures belong to the order arachnida?

spiders, ticks, fleas, lice, & scorpions

Do Tasmanian devils live on land or sea?

Tasmanian devils live on land. They are not water-dwelling creatures of any description.

Is the Tasmanian devil solitary?

Yes; Tasmanian devils are solitary creatures.

What type of animals are spiders and scorpions?

Spiders are classed as ARACHNIDS, as are some other eight-legged creatures, such as scorpions.

What is the goddess of scorpions in charge of?

The Egyptian Goddess of scorpions, also know as Serqet, was in charge of scorpions and other venomous creatures. She was also know as the god of protection, as Egyptians believed only she could cure a scorpion sting.

What do scorpions eat as babies?

Scorpions eat a variety of insects, spiders, other scorpions and lizards. Depending on their size they may also eat small mammals, such as mice.

How did scorpions get to Hawaii?

Scorpions stowed away on ships that were going to Hawaii from places that had scorpions in them already. They are stoic and adaptable creatures and can survive almost anywhere.

Any mythical creatures who are evil?

The devils, the imps, the gryphons, the Greek sphynx, the gorgonas etc

Is a scorpion a crustachean?

No, but they're related. Crustacea are Arthropods (creatures with segmented legs), just as Arachnids (spiders and scorpions).

When Tasmanian devils are alone do they survive?

Yes. Tasmanian devils are solitary creatures and do not socialise with others of their species except for the purpose of reproduction. They are very territorial, and will fight over food.