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no they are really different but u can search it by Google and learn more

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Q: Are sea cows and land cows related?
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Related questions

What species is the closest to the manatee?

The dugong is the manatee's closest relative, but the elephant is the manatee's closest relative on land, which is odd because manatees are called "sea cows."

Are cows sea creatures?

No, cows are land mammals. They're bovines. There is a sea cow, which is an extinct marine mammal similar to the manatee and dugong.

How many babys do steller's sea cows have?

Steller's Sea Cows became extinct in 1768. Dugongs and manatees, which are related to Steller's Sea Cows, only have one calf at a time so it's very probable that Sea Cows only had one calf at a time as well.

Does a female sea cow have the name cow?

Of course! No it doesn't! Whoever wrote of course has there lines crossed. "Sea cows" aren't even related to cows. They are called manatees and they are referred to as cows because they graze all day.

How are land breezes and sea breezes related?

Land breezes and sea breezes are both breeze, or cool air.

How are land breeze and sea breeze related?

Land breezes and sea breezes are both breeze, or cool air.

What is the closest living relative of a cow?

Elephants are related to hyraxes and sea cows. Elephants are related to hyraxes and sea cows. Elephants are related to hyraxes and sea cows.

Do seahorses hate cows?

Only sea-cows.

How did the Israelites get skins of sea cows?

Their sandle where made of sea cow skin, that is how they how skin of sea cows. It kept out the elements of the weather.

What are sea cows a do they where live?

Cows in the sea, that can swim and breath underwater, and are located in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Do cows live on land or in water?


What is another name for sea cow?

Sea cows belong to the order Sirenia. There are two kinds of sea cows, manatees and dugongs. They are called sea cows because they are similar to sea cows, as they chew on their food (sea grass, corals, etc...) for eight hours a day.