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Yes, some of each group are becoming extinct

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Q: Are seals turtles or penguins becoming extinct?
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When did seals become extinct?

seals are still around. they are not yet extinct but are becoming extinct

Why are seals coming extinct?

Seals are not becoming extinct. Most seals are on the "Least concern" list.

What animals are becoming extinct?

Polar bears, seals, red pandas, parrots, dodos etc

Why are seals becoming extinct in Antarctica?

There is no evidence that any kind of seal that lives in the waters around Antarctica is becoming extinct, and in fact, are all listed as of 'least concern' on lists of endangered animals.

the ratio of seals to penguins on an iceberg is 3:8. if there are 24 seals on the iceberg , how many penguins are there?

there are 64 penguins

What are penguins and emperor penguins enemies?


Who are penguins enimies?

Seals are penguins enemies.

Does seals eat penguins?

leopard seals do.

What is the differences between Seals and Penguins of Antarctica?

Seals are marine mammals; penguins are sea birds.

What are the difference between seals and penguins?

Seals and penguins are completely different animals. To start with, seals are mammals and penguins are birds, which means that penguins have wings, feathers and beaks while seals don't. Although the seals flippers look like wings, they aren't. They are used for swimming. Seals have fur. Some types of seals also eat penguins, but otherwise they both eat fish.

How do seals walk?

seals walk on there flipper's and they waddle on them like penguins waddle. but they are not penguins

What animals live near Davis station?

Emperor penguins, Adelie penguins, flying birds, Elephant seals, Weddell seals and Leopard seals