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No. Quite the opposite. Try to write your sentences in the active voice unless you have to use the passive.

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Q: Are sentences usually clearer in the passive voice?
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Why should you generally use the active voice instead of the passive voice in your writing?

Using the active voice makes sentences clearer, more direct, and easier to understand. It also usually creates a more engaging and dynamic writing style.

17 Find the sentence with the active voice?

Sentences written in active voice are clearer and more straightforward than those written in passive voice. In active voice, the subject is doing something rather than having something done to them. An example of passive voice is, "He was reading the book his cousin had written." Active voice may read, "He's reading the book his cousin wrote."

Sentence can be written in active and passive voice. What kind of sentence is this?

The sentence "Sentences can be written in active and passive voices" is a declarative sentence written in passive voice.

Active voice of- Has the room been booked?

The active voice (which is almost always clearer than the passive voice) would be, "Have you booked the room?"

What is the truth about passive voice?

A passive sentence doesn't always show the doer of the verb, which is called agent in passive sentences.

When is the sentence are said to be in passive voice?

A sentence is said to be in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than performing the action. Passive voice sentences typically use a form of "to be" (such as "is," "was," "will be") along with the past participle of the main verb.

How do you change this sentence in passive voice they gave the inventor on award?

"The inventor was given an award" - however, active voice is almost always clearer.

Does passive voice create sentences that are indirect unfocused and slow communication?

Passive voice can create sentences that are indirect and less clear because the subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performs it. This can sometimes slow down communication or make it seem less focused. However, passive voice can also be useful in certain contexts, such as when the doer of the action is unknown or when the focus is on the receiver of the action.

I have a problem with passive voice can anyone help?

Sure! You can identify passive voice by looking for forms of the verb "to be" (such as is, are, was, were) followed by a past participle. To fix passive voice, try rephrasing the sentence to have the subject perform the action directly. This often results in a clearer, more direct sentence.

How do you change interrogative present simple active voice sentences into passive voice?

To change interrogative present simple active voice sentences into passive voice, you typically move the object of the active sentence to the subject position in the passive sentence, and use a form of "be" along with the past participle of the verb. For example, change "Do you know the answer?" to "Is the answer known by you?"

In which sentence is the underlined verb in the passive voice?

I'm happy to help! Could you please provide the sentences with underlined verbs so that I can identify which one is in the passive voice?

How can you make passive voice of exclamatory sentences?

Exclamatory sentences can be transformed into the passive voice by shifting the focus from the subject performing the action to the action itself. For example, "What a beautiful painting you have created!" can be transformed into "What a beautiful painting has been created by you!"