

Are superheors based on Nazi theory of superhumas?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Quite the opposite, politically speaking- all of the major comic-book superheroes were engaged ( fictitiously of course0 in World War II against the Axis powers. Cartoons in comic books frequently satired the Nazi big three- of Hitler, Goering ( always shown as a fat man), and Goebbels. Some of these characters had it coming. It is true Dr. Wertham, author of the Seduction of the Innocent, saw something of Nazi or more accurately totalitarian ideology in superhero comics, but not specifically Nazism.

I didn't asked you or anybody who they were fighting, I asked you quite normal question that have an answer, Nazi had teory of superhumans, so any superhuman is a Nazi origin...Think about it Superman was created during the WW2 so his role model was a superhuman, so if Nazi first came with idea of superhumans, creator of superheros had a rolemodeli in Nazi superhumans or ubermench...I wasn't asking you about political, I was asking you about physical and mental theory....

Actualy they are based on Nazi theory of superhuman...Neithce wrote in his work Thus spoke Zaratrusta about Ubermench or Superman...Hitler used that idea for his Nazi Propaganda of super-humans...Creators of Supermen first wrote story and ilustrated it that is called ,,The reighn of Supermen''...That was first Superman story ever, juts with one exception, this Superman was evil, based on Nazi idea of conquering the world...They only later made Superman good...So there is a conection between Superheros and Nazi Superhumas, you just need to figure it out...

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