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No. They are conceived on the same date.

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Q: Are the conception dates from ultrasound different with twins?
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Spotting a sign of twins?

try ultrasound.

How do you know if im pregnant with twins?

When you do the ultrasound they see it.

How do you know the sex of twins and what kind?

An Ultrasound can be done to find out.

How soon can you tell you're having twins?

At the first ultrasound

How would you know if you were pregnant with twins at eight weeks?

The only sure way of knowing you are pregnant with twins is by ultrasound. An ultrasound at 8 weeks would show if you were carrying a multiple pregnancy.

How can you tell if your going tohave twins?

Ultrasound once you're pregnant.

What does it mean if you see two embryos during an ultrasound scan?

You are having twins

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

How will you know that you m having twins during pregency?

You will find two heartbeats at the ultrasound.

How will you know that you have twins?

You will probably find out when the doctor runs the ultrasound and two bodies pop up.

What is the best sexual position to get pregnant twins?

Having sex is a good way to start to conceive. However, conception of twins depends on the splitting of the egg, or upon several eggs being produced at once. Twins often run in families, leading to the strong possibility that the conception of twins is a genetic feature more than happenstance.

If i took a home pregnancy test and it came up positive and the clinic test came up negative but the ultrasound showed two babies and it's too early for a heartbeat?

The ultrasound is as conclusive as it gets. The tests have a small margin of error because they test for hormones. The ultrasound sees what is there or not. You are most certainly pregnant. Possibly with twins. If you are still early on the ultrasound can be inconclusive about that. Sometimes one of the twins will be reabsorbed into your body early on as well. I know one person that showed twins early on but only one in a later ultrasound. I hope that this is good news for you and that both babies are born healthy.