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No, they are not! Although... some people belive that different from islands which are obviously connected to the ground, continents might be floating... This hasn't been proven true, but... some people belive in it. (A.T.)

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Q: Are the continents floating on water?
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Related questions

How can water hold the continents?

The continents are not floating on water, if that is what you mean. The large bodies of water on the earth's surface fill up some of the spaces between the continents.

What moves continents?

Continents are basically floating.

How the continent splitted?

The continents are basically floating, and like anything floating, they drift.

Are all the continents surrounded by water?

The water is surrounded by continents

Why did earths continents shift?

They didn't. If you take out all the water from the seas and ocean, you would see the continents are still connected by land (save for the faults). Unless the tectonic plates were reduced to the incredibly small sizes therefore allowing them to shift like you are misled to believe, there is no chance of the continents shifting as they are all part of the ground, not floating.

Icebergs ?

A lage chunk of ice floating in the water, most of it is in the water.

How do continental plates move?

All of Earth's plates move because of convection in the asthenosphere, and slab push and pull in the lithosphere. Slab pull causes the lithosphere to slide beneath another plate into the asthenosphere, while slab push helps the slab move away from the ridge toward the slab pull.

How do you show earth's bodies of water and the continents?

Color water blue and continents green.

Which of the world continents have deserts and fresh water resources?

all continents but Europe have deserts. All continents have fresh water resources.

Who invented an egg floating in salt water?

woetso jigdak invented an egg floating in salt water.

What are floating objects?

Floating Objects are objects that are less densethan water.

How do you draw a boat floating in river at qbasic?

You need to draw this \______/ floating on water to show a floating boat.