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Q: Are the elements in column 7 likely have the same properties to noble gases?
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Elements least likely to react with other elements are in this column are known as?

noble gases, or inert gases they are the same thing and they are group 18 they have full valence electrons so they are unlikely to react with other elements

What are the column 8 elements called?

noble gases

Using a periodic table how would you find elements with chemical properties similar to helium?

Elements in the same group or column on the periodic table have similar chemical properties. Helium is in group 18 or the Nobel gases. Elements with similar chemical properties would be the rest of the elements below Helium Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon

On the periodic table of elements what kind of gases are grouped in the far right column?

The answer is: noble gases

What is a Column in science?

This is probably a reference to the periodic table of the elements, which has columns. All the elements in a given column have the same configuration of valance electrons. There is a column of noble gases, a column of halogens, etc.

What is the placement of the noble gases and why?

The last column of the periodic table of elements

What column in the periodic chart contains the atoms with an ideal electron configuration?

I think you mean the Ideal or Noble gases. Column 18 , or '8' , in 'old money'.

Where are the noble gases located on the periodic table and what does their position reveal about their reactivity?

the noble gases are positioned on the last column on the right. As the elements descend down the column they are more reactive

Is ethane a noble gas?

No, the noble gases are the elements in the far right column (vertical).

What family on the periodic table contains elements that are mostly nonreactive?

Column 18, or in older tables, column VIII, the noble gases.

What sets of elements have similar physical and chemical properties?

Except noble gases the groups of elements in periodic table have the similar chemical properties but not the physical.

What is true about elements in the same period of the periodic table?

If they are placed in the same vertical column, which is called a group, it means that they have similar properties. For example, the first column (group) of the periodic table are the alkali metals. The second is alkali earth metals. Other groups include halogens, royal gases, etc.