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Q: Are the external and internal intercostals muscles?
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What muscles aid in breathing?

external/ internal intercostals

What muscles depress the rib cage?

The internal intercostal depresses the ribcage while the external intercostals elevate the ribcage

What are the actions from the constructions in respiratory muscles?

Muscles of inspiration include: diaphragm, scalenes, pectoralis minor, and external intercostals. The muscles of expiration include: abdominals and internal intercostals.

Name the muscles that raise and lower the ribs in a fetal pig?

intercostals..internal and external

What happens to muscles when breathing?

Im not expert, but isn't it the diaphragm and rib muscles, the muscles between the ribs, internal and external intercostals.

What small muscles elevate the ribs during breathing?

External intercostal muscles are the ones between the ribs that help elevate them during inspiration.

What moves the ribcage?

external and internal intercostals

Which muscles are used when inspiration is forced?

the sternoclediomastoid, scalenes and external intercostals all work to increase throracic volume. hope that helps

What are two muscles found in the thoracic wall of the cat and the human?

The muscles of the thoracic wall consist of the intercostals and the diagram. The intercostals have several layers: external intercostal, internal intercostal and innermost intercostals. These are the same in cats and humans.

What muscles are used for negative pressure breathing?

external intercostals and the diaphragm

What is the most important breathing muscle?

The diaphragm is the prime mover of inspiration. It flattens on contraction, increasing the vertical dimensions of the thorax, which draws air into the lungs. The external intercostals also contribute to inspiration. The internal intercostals and rectus abdominis are expiratory muscles.

The intercostals are located?

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs. They play important roles in breathing. There are two sets of intercostal muscles, external and internal. The external intercostals contract during normal inspiration, causing the rib cage to expand out and up and thus increase the volume of the chest cavity. The internal intercostals are used during forced expiration only. When they contract, the rib cage pulled down and together, shrinking the volume of the chest cavity.