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I am assuming you are asking if any religions accept cloning?

The answer is no. Even Scientology doesn't advocate the practice, though L. Ron Hubbard does have a lot more flexibility with what a person can and cannot do with their bodies. All other religions implicitly state that you are unique, and there would be no other like you. Buddhists believe in reincarnation, but to a point where you evolve coming back as a better being than you were in a previous life. Christianity, Islam, and every other faction come from a belief in a single Deity/creator that made you unique. To defy your being through cloning or other things to your body (depending on the religion) like piercings, tattoos, etc. is to defy your god.

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Q: Are the religion accept the cloning?
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In most cases you can find people to explain what the religion you are thinking about joining, then convert based on what you accept and believe.