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Yes, they are genetically identical because starfish reproduce asexually, and therefore the genetic makeup of each one doesn't change.

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Q: Are the starfish and its offspring genetically identical?
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Why is the offspring not identical to parent in asexual reproduction?

The offspring is not identical to parent in sexual reproduction because sexual reproduction produces an offspring that is genetically different from the parents. ---- The answer above is actually incorrect. The offspring is identical genetically to the parent because mitosis produces cells genetically identical to the parent cell or cells. But the offspring itself is not identical.

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Is asexual reproduction is?

In asexual reproduction, one parent produces genetically identical offspring by mitosis.

Is asexual reproduction?

In asexual reproduction, one parent produces genetically identical offspring by mitosis.

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What could be said is that the offspring will not be identical, genetically or regarding appearance; there will be variation between offspring and their sexually reproducing parents.