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yes they ae worms i have theme i dont want tmeme

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Q: Are the white spots in your throat worms and not puss?
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Are there worms in acne?

No. if you pop a pimple white puss will come out but it is not a worm...

Does anyone know why I have two small white spots and a couple of pimples on back of throat but yet throat swab normal?

My best guess is a puss pocket, the "pimples" growing are soon to be puss pockets. A puss pocket is a white gross think on ur throat that carries infection. The best way to get rid of it is gargle with warm salt water about twice a day, when you wake up and when you go to bed, this will kill all the germs that are infecting your throat. It may takes a few days to go away. You know when the infection is out cuz it falls out and usually you spit it out. (Gross) I suggest keep gargling for a little bit after the white dots are gone. This will keep the germs away. For me I had a really sore throat after they were gone and it hurt every time i swallowed.. but that was a while after... I hope this was useful :D

Do you feel like something is in your throath by your ad-oms apple if you tonsil is swollen?

yes, get a mirror and a torch and have a look in your throat you should see some white puss at the back of your throat.

What is the cause of white puss on your glands in your throat?

This could be a variety of infections - starting with strep throat, to even an STD depending on the situations you have been in. It is best to have a throat swab done by your doctor - it sounds as though you will need to be treated.

White puss in wound?

White puss usually indicates an infection...i'd get that checked out immediately

How do you get rid of throat puss?

It requires a doctor's examination and if determined to be a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe medications (antibiotics) if there is puss found.

What do you have when your tonsils are swollen white and puffy?

the white patches are usually Puss. meaning you have an infection of some sort. most likely strep throat. you should see a doctor and get antibiotics

What is the white stuff that comes out of pimples?

i believe it is puss but i may be wrong

Can the white blood cells form a puss if the other puss is washed away?

If the reason for the puss is still there it will keep reappearing.

White blood and puss in child's urine but no infection?

If the child IS pissing blood and puss, then this kid is messed up.

When you squeeze your nipple white puss comes out why?


When you pop a pimple what the white stuff that leaks out?
