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No there is not. The age of consent is 16.

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Q: Are there Close-in-age exemptions to the age of consent in Scotland?
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What is the age of consent in calfornia?

18yo with no close in age exemptions.

What is the age of consent in Scotland?

The age of consent in Scotland is 16 years old. This means that any sexual activity with someone under 16 is illegal, regardless of the age of the other person involved.

Does Missouri have a Romeo and Juliet law?

Yes, Missouri has a "Romeo and Juliet" law, which allows for a close-in-age exemption to protect individuals from being prosecuted for statutory rape if both parties are within a certain age range.

Can have a sex intercourse at the age of 15 or not?

Depends on where you live. 15 is below age of consent but there are close in age exemptions in many states.

Can a 19year old have a baby with a 16 year old in the state of Illinois?

No. The age of consent is 17 there and there are no close in age exemptions.

What is the legal dating limit in Arkansas?

The age of consent in the US varies by state. In most places, including Arkansas, the age of consent is set at 16. But there are states where it is 17 or even 18 years of age.

Is it illegal for two girls under 16 to hae sex?

Depends what state you are. Age of consent in the US also applies to same sex couples. If the age of consent is 16 or of there are close in age exemptions it is legal, otherwise not.

At the age of 16 can you get married in the UK?

Yes, but only with parental consent, except in Scotland where parental consent is not needed.

Can a 15 yr old female and a 17 yr old be sexual in the state of Texas?

No, the age of consent is 17 in Texas with no close in age exemptions.

What happens if 17 year old girl gets pregnant by 18 year old boy?

If she was age of consent when they had sex nothing will happen but if she was below age of consent and there was no close in age exemptions, he would be guilty of statutory rape.

Is it legal in Scotland to move out at the age of 16 without parental consent and if not what is the legal age?

In Scotland, you can leave home at 16 without your parents' consent. The legal age to move out without parental consent in Scotland is 16. However, it is advisable to seek guidance and support when considering moving out at such a young age.

What is the youngest age at which you can get married with out parent consent?

The age limit In Scotland Is 16 you can get married at Gretna Green, This is without parent consent, But if you are getting married in England the youngest age without parent consent is 18. Hope this helped. So England Is 18, Scotland Is 16 But only At Gretna Green