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Yes, quite a few. But there are strays all over the place.

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When was Stray Dogs - album - created?

Stray Dogs - album - was created in 2003.

What do you think about stray dogs?

Stray dogs are fine if they are no threat to health or are not viscous

How many stray dogs are there in the US?

It's difficult to determine an exact number of stray dogs in the US because they are not regularly tracked. Estimates suggest that there are millions of stray dogs throughout the country. Many organizations work to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome these animals to reduce the population of stray dogs.

How do you catch stray dogs?

Stray dogs are usually hungry. The best way to catch a stray dog is to put food in a trap.

What is the difference between a stray and a dog?

A stray animal is one that is not cared for by a person. A dog is a furry quadruped. There are stray dogs, but not all dogs are strays, and not all strays are dogs.

Why stray dogs are much more dangerous than pet dogs?

Stray dogs have not been fed by people, they have to feed themselves, which they do by hunting other animals. Pet dogs know that people are their friends, stray dogs do not know that. Pet dogs usually have had medical care, stray dogs are more likely to be diseased.

Why do stray dogs exhibit a lesser variety of colours than pet dogs?

why do stray dogs exhibit lesser colour variety than pet dogs

Why stray dogs exhibit a lesser variety of colours than pet dogs?

why do stray dogs exhibit lesser colour variety than pet dogs

Why do stray dogs exhibit lesser varieties of colours than pet dogs?

why do stray dogs exhibit lesser colour variety than pet dogs

Were do stray dogs live?

i do not no

What are some harmless dogs?

Stray dogs are quite harmful.

Do they have dogs in gambia?

Dogs are not kept as pets but you do see a few stray dogs around, usually thin and a bit scraggy. Gambians care a lot about people but don't view dogs in the same way the Western world does.