

Are there alligators in Virginia

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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No, it is too cold. Virginia gets snow and they like warm clammy places.

Not true. Alligators are found occasionally in extreme SE Virginia around Virginia Beach and in the Dismal Swamp. They becoming increasingly common in the swamps canal around rt. 17. Historically that is their extreme limits. Gators are frequently seen in the canals around Va. Beach and Chesapeke. The closeset known reproducing group that I have personally seen is about 10 miles south of the Virginia Border in Merchants Mill Park, NC. Recently some nests have been reported north of the Alligator river in NC. If that is true there is no reason not to exect them to regain there former foothold in the extreme SE corner of VA/Dismal Swamp. Unlike other crocodillians alligators can over winter in small lakes and ponds that freeze over. Large bodies of water from about Frdericks burg south rarely freeze over in VA and from RIchmond south significant snow falls are not common nor are pronoged periods of freezing weather..
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14y ago
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11y ago

Although the waters in Lake Anna are warm enough to sustain an Alligator in the warm season, they would not survive the cold water that Virginia's winters provide. There are no known alligators in the lake, and if one ever was spotted, the Virginia Division of Gaming Inland Fisheries would attempt to locate and remove it.

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Bobby Green

Lvl 1
1y ago
The waters near the nuclear plant stay warm year around

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14y ago

Maybe a few, sometimes. "Official" sources vary, but extreme southern Virginia along the border with North Carolina is often given as the northern limit of wild alligators' range. Even there the numbers would be small and possibly seasonal. Most gators that turn up in Virginia waters are released pets, and even this is not common. The farther into the Southeast you go, the more alligators there are. They are fairly abundant in parts of the Deep South, with their greatest concentrations in Florida and Louisiana.

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13y ago

Yes,alot of them.

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