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They are connected as the prophets always predicted what would happen in the future.Say the New Testament times and today also.

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Q: Are there any connections between Jesus teachings and the teachings of the Hebrew prophets of the old testament?
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Differences between the old and New Testaments of the bible?

The old testament deals with the prophets warnings and telling of Jesus coming and the new testament after the arivel of Jesus . And his teachings.

Hebrew traditions were strengthened by the teachings of what major prophet?

All of the Neviim (prophets) were sent to strengthen the relationship between the Israelites and God. Moses was the most important of the prophets, though.

How many Judges are in the Old Testament?

Fourteen, if we include Avimelech and Samuel. (Avimelech was opposed by the people; and Samuel was on the borderline between the Judges and the Prophets).

Difference between Old and New Testaments?

The Old Testament was before Jesus, it is the history of God's dealings with His people. The New Testament was after Jesus was born, it was mainly written by His apostles about His teachings and His works.

Is the Holy Bible the same as the Hebrew Bible?

No. The Christian Bible contains the Hebrew scriptures in what we call the Old Testament. Christ and his teachings and the works of the Apostles are in the New Testament. Additionally, there are translation differences, additions, and order-changes between the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament.

What is the role of the Old Testament of Judaism Christianality and Islam?

ChristianityThe Christians look to the Old Testament as the root of their beliefs.JudaismThe Hebrew Bible is called the Tanach. The word Tanach is an acronym representing its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). The Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach but its translation was altered to support the teachings of Christianity, and therefore is not considered a valid text by Jews.The role of the Hebrew Bible in Judaism:the Tanach tells the history of the ancient Israelites, as well as giving us the teachings of such prophets as Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah, the stories of kings like David and Saul, and the ethics and beliefs of the Jewish religion. Our tradition is that the Hebrew Bible is from God (Exodus 24:12), given to us to provide knowledge, guidance, inspiration, awe and reverence, advice, law, comfort, history and more. It is the basis of Judaism. It crystallized, strengthened and codified our beliefs; insured our awareness and knowledge of our identity and history; and provided powerful impetus to be ethical.It made us stand in awe of God, while also providing optimism and comfort through the prophecies of redemption. It inspired us to strive for holiness and informed us how to pray and to approach God's presence.And it set detailed laws, practices and traditions for us forever.Answer 3Old Testament in Judaism: The Jewish Bible is called the Tanakh. The word Tanakh is an acronym representing its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). The Torah, or first five books of the Law, is considered the fundamental basis of Jewish Law and tradition. The remaining two parts are considered to be Jewish history and the continued relationship between Judaism and God. The Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanakh but was altered (during the creation of the Septuagint) to support the teachings of Christianity, therefore, it is not considered a valid text by Jews.Old Testament in Christianity: In Christianity, the Old Testament serves to document God's covenant with the Israelites and show the revelation of the one God. It is also commonly used to show that Jesus' arrival and the New Testament are a completion of the prophecies and traditions of the Old Testament.Old Testament in Islam: Muslims do not explicitly read the Old Testament even though many of the events of the Old Testament are analyzed or reinterpreted in the Qur'an. Many Old Testament Characters like Abraham (Ibrahim), Ishmael (Isma'il), Joseph (Yusuf), Moses (Musa), David (Dahud), and Solomon (Suleiman) are considered prophets of Islam for whom Mohammed is the final capstone. However, Muslims believe that the Old Testament as it exists today has been corrupted and the Qur'an shows places where the Old Testament account has been altered.

What is different between major and minor prophets?

The distinction between major prophet and minor prophet with respect to the Old Testament and Hebrew scripture is not necessarily intuitive. The minor prophets refer to a collection of writing of 12 prophets in a single book in the Hebrew scripture but broken into separate books in the Christian Old Testament (Hoseato Malachi). Major Prophet describes the longer books of prophecies in The Bible whose name matches the prophet it describes namely Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.Elijah and Elisha would be considered in the top ten of prophets yet they are not "Major" prophets because their record is found in books of 1 and 2 Kings rather than in the prophetic writings. So the terms "major" and "minor" in this context refers to two groups of books and does not signify their importance.

What is the importance of the old testament in judismChristianityand Islam?

Jewish answer:The Hebrew Bible is important because it tells the history of the ancient Israelites, as well as giving us the teachings of such prophets as Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah, the stories of kings like David and Saul, and the development of the ethics and beliefs of the Jewish religion. Our tradition is that the Hebrew Bible is from God (Exodus 24:12), given to us to provide knowledge, guidance, inspiration, awe and reverence, advice, law, comfort, history and more. It is the basis of Judaism.The Hebrew Bible has also heavily influenced Western society.

Who are the Old Testament Major Prophets?

In the Old Testament. The major prophets are: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial and Daniel.Additionally:Generally speaking... the sheer size of the above prophet's prophetic books are bigger than those of the "minor prophets."As "Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version" explains:"...This classification [the difference between major and minor prophets] is based on the size of the books. Any one of the three books of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel is in itself alone larger than all 12 of the Minor Prophets combined together. Daniel is about the combined size of the two Minor Prophets Hosea and Zechariah..." (Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version" Classic Edition; p.280, The Prophets).

Is Daniel considered a Major prophets?

The difference between "major" prophets and "minor" prophets is, basically, the length of the books attributed to or about them.

What are connections between the number 16 and the world?

There are no specific connections.

Do Jews believe in the new testament of the holy bible?

Some Jews will read the Christian Bible out of curiosity or comparative religious scholarship. However, neither parts of the Christian Bible (Old and New Testaments) are considered valid religious texts by Jews. The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach (an acronym made up of the names of the three sections it's made up of - Torah [Teachings], Nevi'im [Prophets], K'tuvim [Writings]. The Christian OT is based on the Tanach, however, it was greatly altered to support the teachings of Christianity.