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There are several different types of cat litter, some of which contain chemicals, and some that do not. Among the available choices are:

* clay * yellow pine pellets * recycled newspaper pellets * whole corn * ground wheat kernels * red cedar chips * citrus peel * silica gel The most common of these is clay and the new silica gel type, which is more absorbent and harder clumping, but tend not to biodegrade well. Organic litters, such as newspaper pellets, pine pellets, and others with plant-based ingredients, are more biodegradable and less likely to contain chemicals. These products are also more expensive and sometimes difficult to find.

All commercial kitty litters are marketed as being dust-free and non-tracking; however, in my experience both clay and silica gel produce quite a bit of fine dust. While not a hazardous chemical, this can be harmful to pets or humans with respiratory problems such as Asthma, and may cause silicosis (a lung disease), digestive blockages, and urinary tract problems, particularly in male cats.

Bentonite clay and silica gel often contain chemicals to add fragrance, mask odor, or improve clumping, and there is some controversy about whether the chemicals responsible for hardening wet litter can cause "stones" in cats' stomaches or intestines as a result of licking the dust off their hair. Additionally, in vitro experiments have confirmed that bentonite clay in the digestive tract adsorbs potassium (potassium molecules become stuck to the clay), and may inhibit absorption of dietary iron.

Most cat owners use clay- and silica-based kitty litter with few problems. However, some veterinarians recommend using biodegradable, natural cat litter, such as pine or newspaper pellets, whenever possible.

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A cat mat is used to keep the cat litter box area clean. A cat mat is placed under the litter box so that if any litter gets out of the litter box, it goes on the cat mat instead of the floor.

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Any strong chemicals can harm a cat, just as they can harm humans; and cats won't wear rubber gloves when there are dangerous chemicals around. Ammonia can easily damage the cat's sense of smell.

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It certainly can't be good in any way. Hopefully, you realize that litter boxes do have to be cleaned out.

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Fresh Step cat litter is designed to absorb odor and wetness better than any other cat litter. It takes wetness away from the cat so that changing of the litter can be done less frequently.

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Not in California. Its illegal to flush any cat litter or feces in California. Kills sea otters.

Are some cat litter brand with crystals harmful to cats and kittens?

Yes if your cat likes to play around in its litter, roll or scratch in it more than necessary, it may accidentally swallow some harmful chemicals that may not be good for your cat.

Did cat litter affect human behavior?

For the most part, cat litter is not harmful to humans, since it is generally made from clay, and contains no chemicals. So, no, most kinds of litter won't affect your behavior (other than keeping your house from smelling bad). But something else might have a bad effect. Cat litter is not entirely safe due to what's in it-- cat feces (or poo, if you prefer). Cat feces contain a parasite that can be very dangerous to pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. To make sure you don't get infected, a cat owner should probably wear disposable gloves, and get rid of cat litter properly, and on a regular basis -- put it in the trash, and if you are pregnant, have someone else dispose of it.

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Generation Earth is the name of the company that makes this cat litter. This cat litter is a scoopable cat litter.

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How do you use baking soda in a cat litter box?

Baking powder isn't any more dangerous for cats than flour is. As long as the cat only has it in small amounts (like if it falls on the floor) then it won't hurt the cat. Large amounts can cause health problems.

Is it dangerous to breathe in the gases from a cat litter box?

it would get you very sick; so i say yes