

Cat Products

This section is for questions about products based around the cat market. If you need help with toys, kitty litter and everything in between, this is the category for you!

359 Questions

Does cat litter put off carbon monoxid and if so is it harmful to humans?

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Cat litter does not produce carbon monoxide on its own. However, if cat litter is burned or heated at extremely high temperatures, it can potentially release carbon monoxide and other harmful gases. It is advisable to dispose of cat litter properly and avoid any burning or high-heat processes to prevent the release of harmful gases.

Is a catnip a heterotroph?

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Yes, catnip is a plant that undergoes photosynthesis to produce its own food, making it an autotroph. It does not rely on consuming other organisms for nutrition.

Home remedies for deworming cat?

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It is not recommended to deworm a cat at home without consulting a veterinarian. The most effective and safe way to deworm a cat is with medication prescribed by a veterinarian. Over-the-counter deworming medications may not be effective and could potentially harm the cat.

What is the treatment for proteus vulgaris?

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Proteus vulgaris infections are typically treated with antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The choice of antibiotic may depend on the sensitivity of the bacteria to specific medications, which can be determined through a culture and sensitivity test. It is important to complete the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by a healthcare provider to effectively clear the infection.

What are white worms in the cat's feces and how do you treat them?

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The symptoms of roundworms in adult cats are very similar to tapeworms. In kittens vomiting, diarrhea, dull coats, a pot belly on a thin body, and weakness are symptoms of roundworm. It is a good idea to get your kitten checked for roundworm by your vet, as it can cause serious illness in kittens.

Your vet will prescribe a dewormer, and it may have to be repeated several times before the roundworms are gone. Ascarid eggs are very resistant, so during the treatment litter should be scooped daily and litter pans washed with hot water and detergent regularly. Throw out the litter and disinfect the boxes before the end of the treatment

Where can you buy Happy Cat cat food or an equivalent most cat food?

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The best food for your lovely kitty.. 💖

How do you get a cat to lay on a cat bed?

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Lure it with food or lock it out of your room. It will get used to sleeping in its bed and not in yours, if you lock it in its room where the cat bed is.

You can either try to just keep putting it in the cat bed right after you give it milk or food because it will probably be sleepy right after eating/drinking (if it's not yet weaned).

Some cats, though, just don't like cat beds, and may choose to sleep in a chair, on a desk, under the bed, etc. if not on your bed. Do not try to force it to sleep somewhere, as this will only cause other problems such as the cat peeing, clawing, etc. in the place where you lock it in, and if you physically force it into the bed, you'll just get hurt. It's just not smart to try to force a cat to do something they don't want to do, and cruel to punish it for protesting.

What is tender security?

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a certain percentage of the whole amount of tender

Where can you purchase Tender Vittles in Pennsylvania?

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Tender Vittles was discontinued in the United States in 2007.

What size collar should you get for your cat?

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Collars can help identify your cat in case it gets lost and needs to be returned to you. They can also act as a key pass for your cat flap so that other cats cannot get in. And you can also buy flea collars to get rid of fleas. However it depends on your cat as to whether you give them a collar. In some cases, such as if you cat climbs a lot, it may be best not to give them a collar, in case they get it caught on any branches. However, if they tend to get lost and wander off, it may be the best idea so your kitty can come home again.

Where can you get nutra phos?

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You need to find a compounding pharmacy who will make it for you.

Is there a cat food that is semi soft?

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I have the same question. My cat is 21 and can eat mostly soft food; Tender Vittles, Happy Cat and all others like this are not on the supermarket shelves. I haven't found a substitute either. I have the same question. My cat is 21 and can eat mostly soft food; Tender Vittles, Happy Cat and all others like this are not on the supermarket shelves. I haven't found a substitute either.

Can you get fleas from your cat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, definitely. Fleas can infest almost any mammal. For example, I took my cat outside for a stroll, and a few days later I was itching like crazy. So was she.

If you think you have fleas from your cat, I suggest flea bombing the house, flea shampooing your cat, and yourself.

Is it okay to give a 7 week old kitten Pounce moist tuna treats?

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Asked by TheKRE

Yes it is,its best not to give your kitten hard food when its to young,it can choke.but as long as the food is moist,it should be fine.

Name 10 grooming tools many people use?

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nail clippers

hair gel


What does catnip do to cats?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi, I dont think catnip will do anything to small dogs. I`d like to know that for sure too since I might be getting a small dog soon. But since I am not quite sure,check it out on! Good Luck!

What does the stomach do to your food?

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The stomach breaks down your food. When you swallow your food, it lands in the stomach. It is broken down by stomach acids and moved into the intestines.

What is Catnip?

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Asked by Ksmail

Catnip is a herb mixture that cats like. If you take a sniff of catnip it will smell like tea. You can buy catnip at any pet store or Target, Kmart, or Walmart.

What is the most expensive cat food?

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Two breeds vie for the top spot of most expensive

  • Savannah- a serval/domestic hybrid can cost up to $50,000
  • Ashera - a serval/Asian leopard cat/domestic hybrid - about $100,000

One website questioned the authenticity of the Ashera breed by pointing out that DNA testing of the only known Asheras had shown they were actually Savannahs, but were priced much higher than Savannahs.

Please note that a male tortoiseshell is not a breed of cat, but a coloration. Tri-color cats are almost always female.

How much does Bengal cat food cost?

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Bengals cost $700-$900 for pet quality kittens.

Breeder/Show quality cost $1000-$1200+

It is possible to find retire breeders for less money or a cat through a bengal rescue. However, the cat has some known health issues (most notable HCM which is a heart condition) so it is important to go through a reputable breeder or organization.

Can cats have an allergic reaction to flea collars?

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Yes, they can. If they do you show signs of irritation around the area he got bitten, or is acting strange, best to get him checked up on by a vet!

Why do cats bite people when they are happy?

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Because biting is their way of playing. So when they're happy they will play. Make sure though, you don't let your dog bite you too hard otherwise he/she will think it is ok to bite you!

How do you make a cat repellent?

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Asked by Wiki User

To keep the cat away from the couch or from acting out certain behaviors all you need to do is run to the nearest drug store, beauty supply, dollar store, etc to purchase a cheap water bottle sprayer (example: like a bottle sprayer for your hair). Put water in the bottle and put the setting on stream where it will shoot a stream vs. just mist and voila you have a homemade pet sprayer. This should start eliminating the bad behaviors.

Just remember if they are not acting out badly to reward them with treats and love.

What word describes a multi colored cat?

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Asked by Wiki User

it could be tortoiseshell