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If you have pets or children it might. Fruit flies of course come when you bring in sweet fruits such as watermelon, melons and especially bananas. I usually wash all fruit right away to get any juice off them and if possible (other than bananas) I put the fruit in the fridge. Also be sure your in-home garbage pail is cleaned out after eating fruit. Clean all counters if you have cut fruit and you can use a mixture of bleach and water to do this (being sure to rinse well.) Once your fruit is gone so are the fruit flies. Also check the floor for sticky spots that may have dribbled on the floor and wipe up with hot water and a paper towel. You should avoid any type of ignition source is you are spraying alcohol around. It is extremely flammable. spray soapy water first. It kills them just as good and wont be flammable.

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Not sure try to combine the alcohol procedure with other home remedies, such as steam cleaning. Hope it will help you. (RIGHT ANSWER) YES! I've killed BB w/it, actually it doesn't need to be concentrated. I use 1/4 Rubbing Alcohol and fill the rest w/ water. But if u wanna go full strength it works like crazy. I attached a trigger from a spray bottle on the bottle of alcohol. I've used/use it to kill all types of bugs and it works! Even flies in mid flight!