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Yes, there are many different types of acne and within each type of acne its severity can range from mild to disfiguring. Different acne are caused by different factors.

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Q: Are there any different types of acne?
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Related questions

Do children have different types of acne than adults?

"Usually children do not have or get acne, it's mainly an issue for adults and teenagers. Children do get breakouts, which are different from acne because of hormones."

Where can one out what acne is?

To find out what acne is, one could talk to their doctor or a dermatologist. There are many different types and causes of acne that can be determined by a professional.

What are the different types of chemical peels for acne?

The different types of chemical peels include microdermabrasion and beta-hydroxy. The microdermabrasion helps treat acne and scars and the beta-hydroxy also treats acne and scars but has fewer side effects.

What are the differences between all the different types of acne?

Acne vulgaris is a specific term for the regular kind of acne, though there can be different levels of severity within the disease. Vulgaris is actually the Latin for "common."

Is Proactiv a treatment for acne?

Proactive is a indeed a treatment for acne. It has shown to have great results when other products have failed. They have a number of different products for all types of problems.

What is acne vulgais?

Acne Vulgaris or Acne as it is more commonly known, is an infection of the skins' pores that causes them to become inflammed and red, possibly with puss. There are many different types of acne including blackheads, whiteheads, and cystic acne. Acne occurs mist often in teenagers but can continue into adult life in some cases.

Can all types of acne be cured?

Not all types of acne can be cured. Though most can be will acne cream, some are meant to be healed by the body itself, and is best left alone and not touched.

How is Exposed acne treatment different from any other acne treatment system?

"I believe that the the difference between Exposed acne treatment and other acne treatment systems is that Exposed was designed by dermatologists, cosmetologists, naturopaths and chemists. This product not only treats the acne, but it prevents it from returning."

What to say to a girl with acne?

It's very difficult living with please be nice Talk to her just like you would to a girl that does not have acne. Just because she aance does not mean she is any different. In society people treat people with acne different, when really their just like you, but a little to mush oil on their skin

How soon does acne appear after becoming pregnant?

Pregnancy changes your hormone balance, and this can cause acne at any time during your pregnancy. Every woman is different though: some may get acne, and some may not.

What are different types of acne?

There are different ways to classify acne, so the different types of acne can mean different things.If you want to classify the actual acne that appears on skin, there are three categories:Blackheads, also called open comedones. These are your basic clogged pores, and they look like black spots on your face. The black color comes from the oil that has dried in the pore, and dead skin cells that never left the pore and created the clog in the first place.Whiteheads, also called pimples or closed comedones. This is what most people mean when they say they have a zit. Instead of just clogging a pore, dead skin has clogged a pore and gotten trapped under the skin.Cystic acne. These are red bumps that are oil trapped farther under the surface of the skin than whiteheads.Another way to classify acne type is by its cause. Some examples are;hormonal acne is brought on by changing hormonesstress-related acne is inflamed when a person is stressed.

Which soap is the best in India?

There are many different soaps to choose from in the country of India. Dove brand is extremely popular for those with average skin types. If you suffer from acne, you may want to try Dermadew Acne Soap.