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Q: Are there any famous John Cabot quotes about him or his voyage?
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Where did john Cabot start his first voyage?

where did john cabot start his voyage

John Cabot's first voyage?

John Cabot's first voyage was 2nd May, 1497

What was in it for the passengers of John cabot's voyage?

john cabot dies in his #rd

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What was Sancto Cabot famous for?

Sancto Cabot was the son of John Cabot, leader of 3 voyages and explorer. Sancto went on the dreaded 3rd voyage with his dad; both never returned.

Who helped john Cabot with his journey?

John Cabot explored with Sebastian Cabot

What was the main cause for John Cabot's voyage?


John Cabot how an why did he die?

John Cabot died from being thrown over by his crew(second voyage)

Where did John Cabot's voyages take him?

his voyage was not a succses

Did John Cabot go on a voyage with a crew?
